Malachi Athanassiou


NEOCENSE, 2D 3rd Year CMP Game Project

Bachelor of Creative Media Production

I'm the Lead Narrative Director on Neocense, a 3rd Creative Media Production year game project. This year I've been closely working alongside two second year writers and our project designers, to form an impactful narrative, alongside the puzzle elements of our game. We used Inky, a script-writing software to implement dialogue scripts into Unity.
With a passion for creative writng, reflection and fantasy, this project was an awesome opportunity those passions to the table.
Neocense is a 2D isometric puzzle game made in Unity. Explore the world of Cha as Amori, who has just discovered she has a rare gift called the Cense; she can connect with spirits and enter the realm of passing. Through seeking the truth about her identity, Amori delves deeper into Chas past, The Hunters Army, and the history they've tried to bury. It's only a matter of time before she realizes the hardest unturned stones are the ones weighted with grief, and it's these which reveal the most about us.
Block 1 Level D