Photographer: Jade Johnston. Model: Poppy Bell

Photographer: Jade Johnston. Model: Poppy Bell

Photographer: Jade Johnston. Model: Poppy Bell

Photographer: Jade Johnston. Model: Poppy Bell
Bachelor of Design with Honours
ReCollect explores the dichotomy of emotionally durable design - a concept that encourages longer product life spans, and the practice of collecting. Drawing on notions of nostalgia and memory, it seeks to strengthen the relationship between garment and wearer.
Inspired by the perfume bottles and postage stamps collected by my mother, ReCollect is a knit textile collection of 10 garments/accessories that can be styled in multiple ways.
Inspired by the perfume bottles and postage stamps collected by my mother, ReCollect is a knit textile collection of 10 garments/accessories that can be styled in multiple ways.