Beneath The Rātā Still 001

Beneath The Rātā Still 002

Beneath The Rātā Still 003

Beneath The Rātā Still 004
Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours
Over the past 4 years my work has developed through a multitude of practices, consistently traversing a settler–colonialism narrative. The works’ intention is to unpack aspects of the trauma still rooted in Aotearoa, to openly examine the scale of the mass extinction now occurring, and while representing all people involved. From large scale projections, Virtual Reality, and across a large portion of the digital disciplines, my work presents data driven, digitally charged analysis of our contemporary world.
For Exposure I have created my most ambitious work to date.
‘Beneath the Rātā’ (2020) – Video, Sound
For Exposure I have created my most ambitious work to date.
‘Beneath the Rātā’ (2020) – Video, Sound